
Sygma is a comprehensive security platform that manages a security service’s complete response and operations. With a centralized command center, the app can receive data, sensor alarms, incidents, and external intelligence and threats. Also, it features a real-time map view to follow missions.

My role as UX/UI Designer

  • Work with product managers and designers to conduct user testing and research.
  • Conducted interviews with users and stakeholders.
  • Conducted discovery workshops with stakeholders.
  • Created a UX strategy with the product manager and engineers.
  • Redesigned application from the ground up.
  • Created user flows. 
  • Created design system.


The old application was lacking numerous functionalities like mission reporting, real-time map live view. It was without a centralized platform for reporting and accessing information about disasters in real-time. This results in delayed response times and confusion about the extent of the damage and available resources.


I conducted extensive research to understand the needs of security companies and their customers. I gathered user feedback to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the existing security solutions, and analyzed the features of existing security apps to understand what works well and what doesn’t.

The Sygma app’s interface is divided into several parts allowing users to manage their operations efficiently. These are real-time live map view, target management, incident management, mission management, backoffice analyses, user management, device management, mission reports, and emergency and routine procedures.

The app’s functionality is user-friendly, with clear instructions and feedback that guide users through the various tasks. It provides users with a quick and efficient way to request assistance from the closest security staff. Additionally, the app’s multi-site hierarchy management feature allows security companies to manage the response to customers in different geographic areas, making providing an enhanced level of protection easier.

The Sygma app provides security companies with a comprehensive platform for managing their security operations. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for users to navigate and access the needed features. The app’s advanced value-added services enable security companies to offer their customers an enhanced level of protection and generate new revenue sources. Overall, the Sygma app is a powerful tool for security companies that want to improve their operations and provide their customers with an exceptional level of service.

In conclusion, the Sygma app is an indispensable tool for security companies looking to improve their operations and provide their customers with exceptional security services.

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