
Covisint Identity Services (CIS) is a cloud-based identity management tool which handles the functionalities like Identity Management, Authorization, Authentication, Identity Verification, Identity Broker, Security Token Services.

It integrates complex systems reaching cloud applications, manages multiple IDs, passwords, and integrates across a wide network of constituents, perform administration, and reporting.

My role as UX/UI Designer

  • Work with product managers and designers to conduct user testing and research.
  • Conducted interviews with users and stakeholders.
  • Conducted discovery workshops with stakeholders.
  • Created a UX strategy with the product manager and engineers.
  • Redesigned application from the ground up.
  • Created user flows. 
  • Created design system.


After extensive stakeholders and user interviews, we discovered that the application had an admin view but didn’t have a general user view.  In the new system with a single connection to Covisint, customers can drastically reduce the burden of complex systems integration, management of multiple IDs and passwords, time-consuming reporting, security rules enforcement, and help desk administration. Users can be easily administered with automated & configurable workflow management and provisioned to services, applications, and content from sources across many sources, including cloud-based services utilized within a particular customer ecosystem.


Covisint’s Identity Management application contains a wealth of capabilities for managing asset access within a delegated administration model. This application is organized in such a way that most of those capabilities are contained within two main areas: 

  1. Applications 
  2. Organization 

Within each of those sections, accessible from the main navigation menu, users can drill down to detail screens for applications, organizations, and users within an organization. Further, security admins with visibility into organizations under their own can access detailed screens for those sub-organizations.

One of the main drawbacks of the old system was the lack of general user parts of the application, which was one of the most requested new features by the stake-holders.
Add/Request Application:  General users can easily request a new application from the administrator.
Manage Applications: General users can locate, view, and manage all applications in one place.
Application Status: General users can know whether or not an application is available to her/him. They can see the status of an application, whether active, pending, suspended, or locked.
Bundled Applications: General users can view bundled applications and know the date they were granted.


  • Improved overall KPIs
  • Improved task success rate. Number of correctly completed tasks increased by 70%. 
  • Decreased time spent on tasks. 
  • Introduced general user part of the application.
  • Introduced design system. 
  • Increased customer retention by 30%.

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