Connected Cars

Connected Cars application was created to showcase how simple and easy is to use Covisint Developer Portal’s IOT solutions. Using the Covisint’s design system (which I also designed)  I designed Connected Car app that can help translate, decode, and diagnose engine issues right from your smartphone.

My role as UX/UI Designer

  • Work with product managers and designers to conduct user testing and research.
  • Conducted interviews with users and stakeholders.
  • Conducted discovery workshops with stakeholders.
  • Created a UX strategy with the product manager and engineers.
  • Redesigned application from the ground up.
  • Created user flows. 
  • Created design system.

A bit cheeky start screen.

Notable Features

  • Roadside Assistance
  • Emergency Assistance
  • Vehicle Diagnostics
  • Maintenance Reminders
  • Vehicle Location 

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